Happy Baby Yoda Day! Get Hyped For Season 2 Of The Mandalorian By Watching This Awesome Spaghetti Western Trailer Using Season 1 Footage

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That. Was. AWESOME!!! Not just because it's Baby Yoda Day and we should treasure everything with his adorable face on such a glorious occasion. But because that mix of filters, foreign languages, and beautiful music made me feel cultured as fuck for watching a Star Wars trailer. Simply saying that The Mandalorian is a serial Western that takes place in a galaxy far, far away makes you an expert on all things television in my mind, even if you are just repeating what other people are saying.

For anybody that didn't get to watch the first episode before work/school/life today, check out the Season 2 preview I did with Robbie in My Mom's basement.

Then load up on some of the Baby Yo merch from the fellas at LCB.

It's good to have the entire Star Wars fanbase united again. Let's keep the good mojo rolling with Season 2!!!

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